
Organisations cooperating with the GHSL

The GHSL manufacture is the result of a collaborative process between numerous individuals and institutions.

The GHSL profited from the close collaboration and the funding support of the Economic Analysis Unit of DG REGIO, European Commission. In particular Lewis Dijkstra and Hugo Poelman who contributed actively to this version of the GHSL.

The generation of the GHSL population data would not have been possible without the access to the data hosted by the Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) and the discussions with Robert Chen and Kytt MacManus.

In 2014, Joint Research Centre (JRC), organised the 1st Global Human Settlement Workshop, which led to the Manifesto for a Global Human Settlement Partnership. The participants of this workshop formed the core group of what is now the GEO Human Planet Initiative, which includes now more than 180 members from 100 different institutions all around the globe. The pre-releases data of the GHSL was shared among the GEO international partnership since 2014. Discussions with the members helped improving the quality of the GHSL significantly.